How Your Support Sustains the Nature Play Movement

Free Forest School began as a grassroots effort to bring parents and caregivers together with their kids to play outside. Now it’s become part of a larger cultural shift and movement, supporting experiences of magical connection with nature and community in more than 230 counties across 49 states, and growing.

We need your support to sustain this nature play movement and ensure families in every neighborhood have access to outdoor play and the community support needed to make it a routine part of their lives.

Your donations directly support our efforts to:

  • Launch and maintain our community platform Our Outdoors, connecting 7000 caregivers to nearby nature and each other

  • Host and update our custom Events calendar, where community members have organized more than 1000 outdoor meetups since June 2021

  • Develop ongoing tools and resources for families and orgs to address barriers to getting outside, as well as resources to empower community members to practice supporting unstructured nature play, healthy risk-taking, and child-led learning

  • Partner with local organizations and on-the-ground initiatives that foster inclusive, supportive communities outdoors

In 2022, your contributions will additionally help FFS to:

  • Develop resources for educators to incorporate unstructured outdoor play in school curricula

  • Initiate Phase 4 and 5 of the Our Outdoors platform launch to deepen connections through peer support networks and create more accessible pathways to outdoor play based on the Community Visioning in 2020

  • Provide more opportunities for interpersonal connection through live calls, discussion groups, workshops, mentorship, and more

  • Develop new local partnerships and programs to increase access to outdoor play 

We can only do this in partnership with the community and supporters like you. Donate today to sustain this movement and support families everywhere in connecting to nature, culture, and each other through outdoor play.


Meet Them Where They Are


Local Free Forest School Secures Competitive National Grant to Introduce More Families to Nature-Based Learning